If you are planning to start your blogging journey in 2020 then this article will guide you to select the fundamentals requirement of web hosting, latency checking, optimizing general website performance.
Most of the beginner faces the problem on choosing the right hosting company within their budgets.You might be surprised to hear that the majority of web hosting companies are owned by just three large corporations – GoDaddy, Endurance International and 1and1.

Among the three main giant hosting company there are many hosting companies that are providing their own services apart from the internal server sharing. Do not worry, they don’t sell your information to a parental company they are only owned by a single entity. When you scratch beneath the surface, you’ll find dozens of the “top” hosts are ultimately owned by these three corporates. A lack of competition means prices have been kept high (and rising), whilst client apathy to migrating means service is often lackluster, as you are just a client number out of millions.
Funny things are that you might find some company price so cheap and after buying the services you will force to upgrade the plans to higher specifications. Most of the beginners are lured by their upsell strategies and that makes hosting experience bitter. So i will make your choosing web hosting company task a little easy. Domain registration can simple task because it don’t need much investigation about provider but a selection of web hosting among thousand providers is certainly a difficult task and i will help you to find criteria of choosing best web hosting company.
While choosing any hosting plans one should cross-check the following requirements:
1. Reviews: you should cross-check reviews of the company on reviews sites like Trustpilot , Hostadvice, Google Listing and many more.A company who has maximum good customer reviews is base of selection because reviews reflect the company’s customer satisfaction. A company may have a different class of services and this cannot be the only core aspect to judge fully but the company overall support can be easily predicted.
2. Control Panel: This is also one of the key factors for selection for beginners. Most of the beginners don’t have good knowledge about the control panel. For the management of the core systems, you need control panel like Cpanel, Directadmin, Plesk, etc and Cpanel is leading web control panel and most used panel till to date . If you have basic knowledge about web hosting then you can set up a general task like creating a custom email for your site ( mail@yourdomain.com) and file manager etc.
3. Backup: Web hosting is dynamic in nature and anyone can face fatal errors like losing website content. But this can be greatly reduced by backup services and peace of mind can be entertained only if the website has backup services. So even you lose the content you can restore it from backup available.
4. SSL certificates: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a networking protocol designed for securing connections between web clients and web servers over an insecure network, such as the internet. The most popular web search engine, Google takes it on most priority and gives a red alert when SSL is not found on site.
5. Softaculous: If you want to start a blog then this can play a vital role and Softaculous is web applications that have collection of 200+ scripts like WordPress, Joomla, Magento, social networking sites, Forums. The most demanded features is that it has one-click installation features that give users to install the required CMS in just a single click.
6. Support: Web host provider should provide support 24×7 and most of the web hosting company provider claimed but fob you off when you need help with their hosting package.They may use complex jargon to explain simple things so be smart to choose a web hosting company.
The above mention things are general features that most be available to make hosting great. Some of the things that people cannot checks before using are mention below and you must ask your hosting company if they fail to give minimum features mention below :
1. Uptime: Most of the web hosting companies claimed they have 100% server uptime time but that may be different after using their server. They must have at least 99% uptime that ensures your website gives full accessibility to users at any time. Your website should be online for visitors and google crawlers so that google will boost the ranking.
2. Server Performance: Your website is hosting on a shared server in almost every web hosting company. The shared server reduces the operation cost of the server and so that web hosting costs you a penny . While using the shared server one should confirm the sharing ratio and now most of the web hosting company uses cloudlinux that gives the power to assign resources to individual account so that you are not affected due to other users using the same server. While using shared hosting you should monitor the performance and backend server configuration setup that originally set up by web hosting and report if you find resources limit. Latest technology like Litespeed cache system enhances the server performance and event-driven architecture, capable of handling thousands of concurrent clients with minimal memory consumption and CPU usage.
3. Cloud Server: You also ask your provider about the server -a cloud server or a traditional server because cloud server are more expandable and stable in comparison to traditional servers.The load balancer server distributes the traffic among various datacenters so if they have load balancer server then it would be adding the performance of your website.
Lastly, the above mentions things are enough for selection of good web hosting company for you.