Have you ever wonder about your life? Why you are here; and what is your purpose of living?
I am that kind of a person who; after spending so much time on my phone or wasting too much time sitting and do nothing; I asked these questions to myself.

What am I doing here? Why life seems so boring sometimes? What can I do to make my life better?
Well; I thought that these questions arise only to young people or the youths. Then what do old people do? Don’t they feel bored? I thought of asking my parents these questions but; I feel scare, less they will not response well.
Alright enough about all these things; let’s comes straight to the point.
How to be more productive each day and every day of the month?
Every time when I feel down; I would scroll through my phone and check all my social media sites; which makes me feel more dead than alive.
Usually; people feel bored when they have nothing to do; or when they keep doing the same thing over and over again!
Your health and well being also depends largely; on how you start your day.
In order to be productive and not wasting any time; here’s are the most authentic ways to self care routine that would makes you more productive.
- Daily routine
Day in and day out; we do lots of things. Some are good things and others’ useless. Starting from today; always make it a point to do something wonderful every day. Make it a habit and soon you will have; lots of wonderful habits that people admire.
These are some of the self care daily routine that makes you productive.
1. Learn something new everyday
Wake up every morning with one thing in your mind. ‘I will learn something new today’ and just do it.
Well, what will you learn today? You can;
- Learn a new language
- A new skill
- Learn to ride a bike
- Learn to ride a car
- Learn swimming
- Learn how to knit or paint
The list is endless. You can learn whatever you want to achieve. Make it your goal and stick to what you have starting to learn; until you achieve it. Otherwise learning something new every day; without fulfilling it, would be a waste of time.
2. Read a book
Did you know that reading improves memory; especially in old age. Besides reading make a person wholly. You gain so much by reading. Even reading for pleasure; like reading a novel builds your mental capacity.
There are many books to choose. These days; they even have digital books. You can read;
- Self improvement books
- General knowledge books
- Science fiction
- Novels and Poems
- Financial guidance books and anything that you are interested in.
3. Eat healthy
Well, this should be your no. 1 self care daily routine. Eat on time with nutritious food every day will help you combat; sickness, stress and strain too; because there are lots of
- Eat fresh fruits every day instead of synthetic juices and coke
- Take green vegetables once either in your lunch or breakfast
- Drink 7-8 glasses of water. (Yup; we heard this a lot)
- Include carbohydrates and proteins everyday in the diet.
4. Exercise
Daily exercise of 5-10 minutes a day would be perfect for your soul and body. Stretch your arms and legs for a few minutes; will help you release body ache; muscles strain and you will be happy too.
These are the few things that you can do every day; without compromising about anything.
Weekly routine
There are certain things that we cannot do every day; due to work or may be something else. So, here are the self care routines; that you can do once in a week for a change.
- Yoga
Practices yoga during the week end is fun and healthy too. If you don’t know how to start; you can go to you tube and learn the basics.
Yoga is good for overall health; it gives you peace of mind and a state of self realization. It is one of the best self care routine for being productive both physically as well as mentally.
- Meditation
I just love meditation more than any exercise in the world. I am that kind of a person who hates stretching my bones; so meditation is what I do to calm my body and soul.
But you need a quite place to do it. I prefer doing it first thing in the morning; it helps clear my thoughts and things that I plan to do all through the day.
I meditate in my own style; using my own technique that works best for me. I don’t follow any rules. I just concentrate on my breathing and focus on things I would love to do during the day.
I meditate every day but if you don’t have time; it’s great to do it in the week end.
- Leisure walks in the park
This would be awesome if you live in the city. With all those jazz and lifestyle living in the city; taking a step way each week would boost your mental health.
Go for a walk in the park with your friend or neighbor or with just a pet.
- Watch funny and inspirational video on YouTube
This is absolutely perfect if you have a long and busy week. All work and no play make jack a dull boy.
Chill out; by watching a nice movie or just some random funny and inspirational videos on you tube.
- Take mental break from difficult task
Are you thinking about a difficult task for the whole week and still found no solution?
Well, it’s time to take a break. Completely forget about a difficult task; would actually help you gain your strength back and your mind will process it perfectly.
Just do something that would divert your mind and the solution for your task will come to you in the most unexpected ways.
Monthly routine
For monthly routine you can:
- Visit an art museum
Visiting an art museum is knowledgeable and freshen the mind. Once a month you can visit galleries or other museums for leisure time which help you in return.
Learning about the history of that museum and how the collections are being collected from across the globe is fun and educative.
- Called a friend and invite him/her for dinner
Do you have that one friend; with whom you had such a great connection but as time pass by; you hardly had the time to even talk to each other.
Call that friend and ask him/her out for dinner; or just chatting over the phone and connect with them. They said you know; people who have best friends with them are healthier than those who don’t have any body at all.
- Go for a relaxing drive
Going for a long drive alone; I just love it. You should try it too; once a month or perhaps once in a while.
The wonderful feelings that you got especially if you drive through nature is just fantastic!
- Treat yourself with a wonderful dessert
Get yourself a dessert or make one. If you are a mother; busy making delicious food for your kids and hubby then you should treat yourself; with desserts and pastries monthly.
Forget about them in one brief moment and treat yourself right. Give some alone time for yourself to just do the things that you love doing. Trust me; it worth it.
- Declutter your house
I live alone and sometimes I’m very lazy. Things are spreading everywhere; so decluttering your house once a month is perfect.
Remove all things that make you mad and keep things that make you smile. You can donate your things or sell them at a cheap price; if they are still reasonable.
Cleaning things up for a better, brighter you.
Don’t forget self care routine is the cool way to be more productive each day; and when you did it with love; all things comes together into places.