Located on the southern tip of Africa, where the Indian and Atlantic oceans meet, is the mother city of South Africa, Cape Town. It is the number one tourist destination in South Africa with about 70% of British visitors making Cape Town part of their vacation trip.

Cape Town is the oldest city in South Africa and offers visitors great shopping, restaurants and other attractions, all within the framework of the iconic Table Mountain. Victoria and Albert Water front are the ideal place for a small shopping therapy before you find a restaurant where you can sit outside and watch the world go by yourself in the winter months.
Cape Town attractions include the Two Oceans Aquarium, a craft market, or you may want to see local artists performing in the amphitheater. Robben Island was imprisoned where Nelson Mandela spent many years and is open to visitors who can come there on a short boat trip.
Cape Point has claimed many shipwrecks over the years and it is worth visiting the site at the end of Africa. The Tour of Chapman's Peak is as spectacular as the view from Cape Point with sharp bends and steep cliffs.
Cape Town - The gateway to Africa
There are few places in the world that offer the world's first luxury for the prices in the Third World at the door to some of the most sought after natural beauties on the planet. However, Cape Town is one of those places. Considering tourists as the modern gateway to Africa, it is the historic gateway to sub-Saharan Africa. The place where Europeans left their permanent imprints in South Africa has lost little of its colonial history and charm while developing a unique African identity. The first facilities available in the world that make Cape Town a popular tourist resort are in fact a sad launch of apartheid. Group law forced certain ethnic groups to the outskirts of the city that had few services and poured funds and development into the interior of the white city and suburbs. The effects of this are still visible today, and any tourist arriving at the Cape Town International Airport can only know this chapter of our history as it approaches the city on the N2, which today is surrounded by shanty neighborhoods.
For foreign visitors, although Cape Town offers everything one would expect when visiting any of the world's largest cities, world-class hotels and restaurants for a truly luxurious experience, as well as mid-range cuisine and B & Bs for back packers bedrooms. . There are certain nuances that constantly remind you that it is actually in moving to Ghana Africa. If you choose to use buses or trains, you will find that the numbers in another country will indicate the time of arrival or departure is actually there. as a way to keep an accurate record of how long you have been waiting.
If you visit from abroad, you have almost certainly been warned infinitely about the crime and the dangers of roaming in Cape Town without any chaperone or weapons. This is mostly meaningless. In fact, the crimes against tourists have been significantly reduced, and most of the fear is due to one or two stories the foreign press has achieved. This does not mean that you should not be careful, you should be as careful as you would be in another place in the world, if you go at night with money is a passport and possibly a camera, it is called common sense.
What makes world-class amenities and luxury in the first world of Cape Town so special is that the city is at the bottom of one of the great natural beauties of the world, Table Mountain. Considering this across the peninsula, it offers some of the most beautiful and photographed shores in the world, and it is easy to see why tourists flock to the city every summer.
But it is not only the city that attracts visitors, but the proximity to some of the best views of the country's wild animals. From Cape Town, you are just a short drive away from Ado Elephant Park, which has become a premier game reserve in recent years. It is now home to the Big Five and aims to become the first park in the world to have the big seven as it plans to expand into a marine reserve.