MBA colleges accepting MAT Score will release their respective category-wise cut off after the declaration of result in the first week of march 2019.More than 600 colleges in India admit students to MBA programme on the basis of MAT cut off.This year’s cut off is expected to similar to last year’s cut off. For the top colleges the MAT cut off will touch 95%It is seen that the cut off for MAT exam remains similar to that of the last year cut off rate, some colleges might consider the sectional cut off marks for further selection rounds which include group discussion and personal interview.MAT cut off composite scores are also applicable in almost all the MBA colleges offering admission with MAT 2019 (February) cut offs. The cut off is the very first criteria based on which the management institutes screen the candidates for the subsequent rounds of admission. Unless a certain minimum score is achieved, the applicant will not get a call for an interview.

Some key highlights from last year MAT exam:
- Scoring Pattern: There is negative marking in MAT exam. Candidates score 1 mark for every correct answer and 0.25 marks for every wrong answer. There is no mark deducted for leaving a question unanswered.
- Transparency: AIMA, the MAT exam conducting authority is transparent and releases the MAT answer key before announcing the MAT exam result which helps candidates analyse their score and identify mistakes.
- Scores:
- The actual score for MAT exam is out of 200. However, the MAT scorecard carries the scaled score. Each section’s (Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning and Indian & Global Environment) score is calculated out of 100.
- Based on it there is percentile calculated. Percentile score is the percentage of candidates who scored less than the candidate.
- The score of first 4 sections is combined together and scaled to 800 and given as the composite score which is used to calculate the cut-off and merit list.
- The score for Indian & Global Environment is given separately and will not be used while computing the MAT 2018 merit list.
- GD/PI/WAT: Candidates composite score is sent to the colleges (5 to 7) they have already chosen and the selection procedure usually consists of rounds like Writing Ability Tests, Group Discussions followed by Personal Interview. Those who clear all the rounds make it to the final MAT 2018 merit list.
- Participating Institutes: For the December 2018MAT result, there are around 228 colleges that will accept the Dec score.
MAT Syllabus pattern:
- Language and comprehension
- Mathematical skills
- Data analysis and sufficiency
- Indian and global environment
- Intelligence and critical reasoning
MAT Exam 2019 will have a total of 200 questions, with 40 questions in each of the 5 sections, in MCQ format, which have to be solved in a total of 150 minutes. There is no such rule that the candidate has to write the exam in a particular order, he/she can jump from one section to another. MAT 2019 will contain MCQ questions, across 5 sections, which are mentioned above.
- Registration start Date for MAT 2019: December 16, 2018
- Last Date for Online Registration for MAT 2019 (PBT): February 20, 2019
- Last Date for Online Registration for MAT 2019 (CBT): Feb 18, 2019
- Issue of MAT 2019 Admit Card for PBT: Feb 21, 2019, Saturday
- Issue of MAT 2019 Admit Card for CBT: Feb 19, 2019, Tuesday
- MAT 2019 Paper-Based Tests (PBT): February 17, 2019, Sunday,
- MAT 2019 Computer-Based Test (CBT) Date & Timings: February 23, 2019 Saturday, in different time slots at specific test venues; subject to a number of candidates registering for Computer Based Test.
- Last Date for Online Registration for Paper Based Test (PBT) - Phase 2 Feb 20, 2019, Wednesday 1300 Hrs
- Availability of Admit Card for Paper Based Test (PBT) - Phase 2 -Feb 21, 2019, Thursday
- Paper Based Test (PBT) - Phase 2 - Feb 24, 2019, Sunday.
Registration Process for MAT Exam 2019:
The candidates wanting to appear for the MAT February 2019 exam can register online by December 16, 2018. The candidate can register online on the website of AIMA-, for MAT 2019 February exam, and can make the payment through Credit Card/Debit Card (ATM Card)/Net Banking.

How to check MAT February 2019 result:
- Click on the link
- Enter the following: roll number, and registration number
- Click on submit
- Check MAT result and download
MAT result 2019 scorecard:
There should not be any discrepancy in the personal details printed on it, you must verify the details once you get the result.
Things to keep in mind after getting the result of MAT February 2019:
- All the Management institutions participating are AICTE and DEC approved, University affiliated Colleges and/or University Departments.
- The MAT score is valid up to 1 year from the date of declaration
- Candidates can choose the management institutions they want to send their scores to at the time of filling the MAT 2019 registration form
- The list of MAT participating colleges if provided zone wise on AIMA website
- Candidates can send scores up to 5 management institutions with no extra fee.
- Candidates must also check the individual website of the participating colleges they apply for. The selection procedure is unique for each MAT participating college.