Affiliated marketing in world is very popular nowadays.Affilated marketing can be used as full time income or part time depending upon the market and its value.Many people in world treat affiliated marketing as very easy way to earn online.But in context of Nepal,many bloggers have not enough knowledge about affiliated marketing.Most of blogger of Nepal has believe that only adsense is source of earning in online world.They rather search about alternatives of adsense but they donot search about affiliated marketing.

But in facts affiliated marketing is backbone for any blogger nowadays because you cannot earn as much money as you can earn from affilated marketing.Any you shouldn’t struggle as much as you should struggle for approval of adsense.Even after approval of adsense account ,you always have to take care of policies of google adsense.If you miss ,you will loose your adsense account and always have extra burden about it.
- Affiliated marketing in Nepal
Affiliate Marketing campaigns have the best results when they are combined with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns, email marketing support and are well-suited for travel, retail, and service industries due to their timely research process/large-volume sales.In Nepal many online shopping has been launched and they lack target audience and due to lack target audience ,they have lauched affiliated programs to drive sales and enhaces their bussiness.In Foreign nation,most of start up bussiness are boosted by the affiliated marketing.
In Nepal,this concept is increasing day by day.Generally company related to internet services like Web Hosting Company,Domain registration,Web designing company,etc has been practicing affiliated marketing concept.In coming days affilited marketing will rule on the market.Online Shopping site will be adopting the strategy of affiliated marketing to increase sales and competition will be high.
- How the Loop of Affiliated Marketing Works?

Here the flow diagram which indicates that affiliated marketer’s are the king in this loop and one should be loyal to visitor,so that visitor will buy such products.So to become good affiliated marketing influencer one should earn the trust of visitor.For instance ,you run a blog about technology and tech reviews,then you should first provide good reviews and information about technology and impress visitors towards your blog and when visitor starts to give good feedback and interacts with your blog then only provide the afffiliated marketing products links so there is high chance that visitor will buy that products.Be careful that one’s you loose trust from visitor ,you will never regain it.
- Basic things before starting affiliated marketing
Email marketing helps you to publishize the products to your users and it helps to connect to the buyer more closer whereas SEO in affiliated marketing is most important.With the help of seo,you can increase the visitor to the sites that may converts to buyers and if you are search for web hosting Nepal then go to Prabhuhost and they have amazing offers.
- Types of Affiliated marketing:
CPA ( Cost Per Action) – CPA i.e when your visitors click on your affiliate link and do some action like downloading, installing, sign up, the online survey then you will receive revenue.