Description: Summer is already running out and some people have not yet gone on vacation ... If that's your case, do not be overwhelmed! It is the best time to enjoy the city and to think about yourself. Maybe we can do this at any time, but the fact is that in the end we never do it. So today does not happen!

The Best Gifts For Oneself
Summer is already running out and some people have not yet gone on vacation ... If that's your case, do not be overwhelmed! It is the best time to enjoy the city and to think about yourself. Maybe we can do this at any time, but the fact is that in the end we never do it. So today does not happen!
Why should we wait for it to be your birthday, anniversary or Christmas if there are so many things to celebrate every day?! All the achievements, the good news ... Any excuse is good: I pass the exams in September, to celebrate it; that today's work has to celebrate it; that I go up the stairs and live in the attic, prize !; I have all August parking at the first and without a single traffic jam ... Another prize!
The gifts are even a great incentive, for example: If you like a lot of something, then you think I will not buy it until I hang the box that has been laughing in the living room for 3 months. And hey, it's miraculous, in two hours you'll have the picture hanging and your way gift. There's nothing like the reward for a job well done!
Nobody knows our tastes better than ourselves, so if you read us from the resort that is your home, we suggest you forget those facebook and instagram visions of the feet of all your friends and acquaintances on the beach, on the lawn or splashing in the pool and we suggest you focus on what is important: You!
We propose 5 great ideas for self-gift. Today can be a very special day to pamper yourself ... Or two!
If you have stayed at home for sure you have already cleaned, organized everything and even changed 3 times the location sofa. The best thing is to change the decoration, although for that you do not have to throw the house out the window. What about an organizer for all your jewelry? Or decorate a wall with your favorite shirt? A new book pad or shelf can turn that room into your favorite place.
When your friends return to work they will come dark. Yes, but who brings the bag for the best food, glamorous and practical and who will enjoy it all year?
What few dare to give unless you are "a kitchenette" are the kitchen utensils and, it is not for nothing, but there are some things that are very cool. And practices! It is best to put a good glass of wine and prepare something as healthy as tasty. What do you want? Sweet or salt?
The ones for cleanliness are other perfect gifts for oneself. The so-called "our beauty secrets.” Where beauty is equal to "I asked the body" and secret to "I bought it myself". Perfumes, infallible creams, perfumed soaps...
Finally: The top gift. The key to success that does not appear in any book for entrepreneurs, or winners, or anywhere else. The secret that ends with trauma / post-vacation syndrome and that gets you to work rested as if you lived on a Polynesian beach. The gift that changes the bad milk morning for good roll. Exact: The alarm clock. Specifically one that simulates the sunrise and the song of the birds even if it is 6:00 in November.