Building a website is a great experience for anyone, But it take few technical know and more than a few click of a mouse button. You don’t have to be an expert in these fields to manage your website properly, in order to understand the long-term impact these technology will have on your website, it’s a good idea that you familiarize yourself right now with the basics of these available technologies to get the most out of it with their pros and cons.

There are not just one, but many factors that play part in building your websites such as – website development and licensing cost, organization’s internal guidelines, website performance, maintainability, ease of scalability for growth and more. On the other hand, choosing a wrong technology in this field or the web developer with less experience in the technology can amount to a significant cost.
In order to avoid mistakes, and start building a website, there are few things and technology, you should be aware of:
- Domain Name:
This is the first and foremost thing that a website owner or developer needs. Choosing a right and perfect domain name is the first priority of any website owner. The domain name should be in your niche and should define your business.
The name used as a domain name should have some specific English meaning and must be less than 15 characters to make it more appearing.
To choose a perfect domain name for your website, you can brainstorm some keywords, or you can take the help of Google Keywords research tool.
- Web Hosting services:
This is the second most important thing for your website. Webhosting is mainly the space required for your website database. It the place where all your website data like : content, images, videos, etc. are going to be save. And that content is only visible when someone visits the website URL which we called Domain Name.
So, choosing the right web Hosting service provider is very important. So take your time, compare other web hosting provider and choose the one that fits your budget and provides you the service.
- Design and Concept
You should learn a bit of graphic design, because this can bring you a good awareness of many graphic tools which are useful for better website development. When you learn design techniques, you will get a better understanding of website appearance and acquire better design taste.
With the ever-growing demand and popularity of responsive website, you need to understand the basic principles of responsive design, too. This is beneficial for both gaining a better level of professionalism and self-improvement.
- Google Analytics
Learning and implementing google analytics tools and codes to your website is not a difficult task. With a little knowledge anyone can do it.
Implementing GA codes to your website headers or footer will let know the status of your visitors to your website. It will also let you know the insight that your visitors are more interested on your website.
Based on Google Analytics results you can improve you design and concepts on your website and it will also let you know what type of content your visitors mostly like. SO that you can introduce them and increase your visitors count.
- Google Search Console
Google Search Console (earlier it was known as Google webmaster tool) is the most important tool to learn. It helps your website get indexed in the google search results. This tool is used to submit sitemap for the website. When your website sitemap is submit to google, it tells the crawlers to visit that particular page to index the content.
Google search console also uses the robot.txt file which tells the crawlers which page to index and which page not to index to appear in the google search results.
- Testing
In website development process, Testing plays a big role apart from coding and design. Before launching website or any content on the website like: Forms, Payment Gateways etc. It is important that it should be tested before making it live. There are few thing that needs to be kept in mind like:
- browser compatibility (the site is suitable for any browser)
- links direct appropriately
- forms work
- navigation menu algorithm is perfect
- pages load speed is fast
- etc.
- SEO, Social Media and Email Marketing
This is the most important process for any website, because driving visitors to the website is only possible through SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and marketing techniques. These SEO techniques need time and patience. It will not start generating result in one or two days, it take around 2-3 months to actually start generating results.
However, if you are brand new website or brand then you should grow your identity through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or via email marketing. Paid result can also generate pretty good traffic to your website, but it might be costly depending on how competitive your industry is.
- If content is the King, then consistency is the queen
After your website is live you should have to make sure that you post your content on regular basis to keep your visitors engaged with your website. If you are irregular with the content publication then you might lose your honest and consistence visitors to your website which results in low google ranking and low traffic. Google search engines and google bots like to see “active” web properties, with content and features regularly added or updated to the benefit of users.
From the above discussed points, we can conclude that, for building a website you don’t have to learn every programing languages. You can simply learn the brief introduction and few important thing from these languages that you are going to use during your website creation.
Keeping in mind the above technique is useful, if you are building a website by your own. If you can afford a website designer, developer, tester and a separate team of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) then you can work with them to make your website a bigger brand.
On the other hand, if you are open to learning something new, then these tips will help you out in achieving your goals. Implementing these tips will help you out in achieving the traffic that you wish for on your website.