Free hosting is generally not preferable if you are serious about your blog or website as they have many restrictions due to which you may not have full control over your website or blog. Most of the free hosting websites displays ads, banner or pop ups on your webpage to advertise them, such unwanted ads generally irritates the visitors and increases bouncing rate of your website. Many people also complain of their blog or website being completely deleted without any email or notification from free hosting companies so it’s risky to start serious blog with free hosting services but to learn at beginning you may start with free hosting. If you are beginner you can check Free Hosting Websites to Start a Blog or Website.
Here I am listing some of paid hosting websites which are most preferable for starting serious blog or website and are popular for their uptime, speed and providing backup facilities.

Here I am listing some of paid hosting websites which are most preferable for starting serious blog or website and are popular for their uptime, speed and providing backup facilities.
It is one of most popular web hosting provider with good customer support. It provides unlimited disk space and bandwidth, easy cPanel, auto installer for popular platforms. It has 99.9% uptime. It also provides money back guarantee for 45 days. It provides domain transfer, database transfer, file transfer and script transfer for free if you are changing you host.
BlueHost is also among popular hosting provider for websites and blogs. It is almost same as HostGator in services. It provides unlimited domain hosting, unlimited disk space, unlimited files transfer, 24/7 customer support, friendly cPanel, free website builder, auto installer, unlimited email accounts and more with money back guarantee.
BlueHost is also among popular hosting provider for websites and blogs. It is almost same as HostGator in services. It provides unlimited domain hosting, unlimited disk space, unlimited files transfer, 24/7 customer support, friendly cPanel, free website builder, auto installer, unlimited email accounts and more with money back guarantee.
It is one of most used hosting and domain provider. Its hosting services includes unlimited disk space and bandwidth, unlimited websites, easy cPanel, 99.9% uptime, 24/7 customer support and more. Some facilities vary as they have different three plans of hosting based on price. You can choose the best one for you. It offers different hosting plans for WordPress blogging and websites.
It also offers unlimited disk space and bandwidth, unlimited domain hosting, unlimited E-mail accounts, auto installer, easy cPanel, website builder all with money back guarantee and more with its hosting plan.
It also offers unlimited disk space and bandwidth, unlimited domain hosting, unlimited E-mail accounts, auto installer, easy cPanel, website builder all with money back guarantee and more with its hosting plan.
It has two hosting plans viz. business and corporate both has unlimited disk space and bandwidth, PHP, MySQL and free domain name. In business plan only 5 domains can be hosted while in corporate plan it’s unlimited too.
Updated: February 2017
Updated: February 2017